Telecommute Finder

Telecommute Finder

Product Tester – Android Apps (Work at Home / No Experience / Part Time)

Website Write App Reviews

If you have fond memories of reading comic books as a kid and want to relive those moments while earning an income, we have an exciting opportunity for you. We are currently offering a job that involves reading and reviewing comic books.

As a comic book reviewer, you will have the chance to immerse yourself in the world of superheroes, villains, and captivating storylines. You will receive various comic books to read and evaluate. Your task will be to provide honest and insightful reviews that can help other comic book enthusiasts make informed decisions about their reading choices.

No previous experience is required for this role, but a passion for comic books and the ability to articulate your thoughts and opinions are essential. You’ll have the opportunity to dive into new comic book releases and classics alike, sharing your love for the genre with others.

Requirements: You need to have access to at least one of the following; iPhone, iPad, Android Smartphone, Android Tablet

Contract length: No fixed term

Rate: $25 – $35 per hour

Skills/background needed:

Must have access to a smartphone or tablet and know how to install and use apps.
Be able to work independently
Ability to closely follow provided steps and instructions
5+ hours availability per week
Reliable internet connection

Hours per week: Flexible.

Location: Remote work online (United States preferred).

We are currently expanding the number of remote workers for these positions significantly.

If you can start right away, please apply below.